Friday, April 24, 2015

Eat til you Pop and Dance til you Drop

Yesterday was another perfect day in London. Mild temps and mostly sunny. I know it won't last but it sure is great.

Our first stop of the day was St. Dunstan in the East.  This is a beautiful garden area in the center of a business area of London.  The church was built in 1100, added to in 1391, and damaged by the Great Fire in 1666. Christopher Wren added a beautiful tower around 1700 (that guy got around). And then in 1941, the church was severely damaged in the Blitz (See JK and BG?  I learned something about the Blitz finally). But rather than tearing the place down, London made the site into a garden and it's beautiful. Some walls are still standing, and it is a haunting yet beautiful reminder of the history of this city. The flowers were not in full bloom this early, but it was still a wonderful space to just sit and enjoy the solitude (along with the locals who stopped by for a smoke).

Yesterday was our long-awaited trip to Borough Market. We'd read about this incredible food market, and we'd even watched YouTube videos where people filmed themselves walking through the market and stuffing their faces with incredible foods. We arrived hungry at noon and realized we should have come at 11 because the place was already mobbed. Picture in your mind the perfect food market. Now make it twice as big and 10 times as good.  That's Borough Market. I won't try to describe it to you.  I'll just show you pictures and let you know that we left stuffed. (Sorry, BG.  More food porn).

We enjoyed the scallops and the sandwich of Duck Confit.  And then we had this amazing grilled cheese.

After all this wonderful food, we decided we needed to work it off a bit. We returned to our flat and did laundry. Pretty exciting. And we shocked our bodies by having a healthy dinner from Itsu, a wonderful chain of healthy restaurants that do take-out. A great poached salmon salad.

Then last night we went to see The Commitments. You might remember seeing the movie. I don't, although Greg claims I did. The play was so much fun and the music was like a playlist of everything I love. It may not surprise you that during the end of the show when they were basically putting on a concert and performing Mustang Sally and Land of a Thousand Dances, the audience was dancing in the aisles and clapping, and I was not only dancing but jumping up and down. Quite a dance move. And my reserved husband was screaming and dancing too.  I swear he was. If you have the chance to see it and you enjoy that type of music, go. Here's a link to a preview of the show.

And one final thought from yesterday. On the tube, there was an advertising sign for Las Vegas. And it said "Come to a place where your accent is an aphrodisiac." Really? Do Americans think a British accent is sexy? I hope Londoners aren't disappointed when they go there.

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