Saturday, May 9, 2015

Hello, Normandy! Hello, Friends!

We packed up our things in Dinan, loaded the car, and walked into town for one more coffee and coffee eclair. We didn't have to pick up our friends, TZ and DG, until 2:00 in Caen so we had plenty of time.

We read there was a market in Aunay-Sur-Oden, a small town about 30 minutes from Caen, so we headed there. The market was very nice and we bought some local cheese, strawberries, oranges and bananas (not local, I'm sure). Had lunch in a nondescript bar/cafe where they kindly served us a plate of small pretzels and pieces of broken potato chips as a snack while we waited for our meal. Pretty odd.

The train was right on time so we picked up TZ and DG and drove to Arromanches-Les-Bains, our home for the next five nights. The gite is very nice, and other than kind of an odd toilet placement, the house is perfect. We took a quick walk around town to find a couple of bottles of wine, and we headed back to sit out on our deck and enjoy the wine and cheese - and to catch up with their activities in Paris.

Dinner was at La Ripaille, a small place just a few blocks from our home here. Escargot, shrimp, chicken, apple crumble, etc. Great dinner, but no pictures of food. Too busy talking to even think about it. I'll try to be better.

But we did walk down by the beach on the way home. The sun was just setting and it was lovely. You can see the pieces of the temporary harbor from the invasion. It's so peaceful there now.

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